

Okej, okej … Približno 3 tedne nazaj (ali še več) sem na Instagram objavila fotografijo in pod njo napisala, da bo tale blog objavljen do konca tistega tedna. Pa ni bil haha December je bil zame zelo, zelo zaposlen mesec. Ker nimam več časa niti za izgovore, »sedim« ponoči v svoji postelji in pišem to objavo :)
Če se spomnite objave s poroke v Bosni, boste prepoznali ženina in nevesto. Odločila sta se, da se uradno poročita v našem rojstnem kraju, Ljubljani. Bilo je konec oktobra, ko smo se najbližji prijatelji in obe družini zbrali v Mestni hiši v Ljubljani, da ju še zadnjič vidimo, kako se poročita.
Cel dan je bil izjemno čudovit in sproščen. Zbudila sem se in se uredila, nato pa se odpravila k Zali, kjer sem naličila še njo. Za oči in ustnice sva se odločili za tople jesenske tone. Tekoča šminka je znamke The Balm v barvi Sincere. Takoj zatem smo se vsi oblekli in se odpeljali v center Ljubljane.
Ko smo prispeli, sem najprej nalepila umetne trepalnice še ženinovi sestri Tamari, kar lahko vidite na eni od fotografij spodaj :D Vstopili smo v Mestno hiši, kjer sta se poročila, nato smo posneli še nekaj fotografij v samem centru Ljubljane. Mislim, da so to ene najlepših fotografij in tako čudovite so ravno zato, ker smo bili vsi tako sproščeni in veseli.

Upam, da so vam tako všeč kot meni!

Okay, okay … I think about 3 weeks ago (or even more), I posted a photo on my Instagram and said this blog will be published by the end of that week. It wasn’t haha :D This December has been the busiest month ever. Since I don’t even have time for excuses anymore, I’m »sitting« here in my bed in the middle of the night, writing this post :)
If you remember the blog post from the wedding Bosnia, you will recognize the bride and the groom. They decided to have the official wedding in our hometown, Ljubljana. It was the end of October when both families and the closest friends gathered at Ljubljana Town hall, to see them get married once again (for the last time :D ).
The whole day was so lovely and chilled. I got up and got myself ready, then went to Zala’s place to do her makeup. I went for warm autumn tones on her eyes and her lips. The liquid lipstick is from The Balm, colour Sincere. After that we all got dressed and drove to the city center of Ljubljana.
The first thing that I did when we got there was putting false eyelashes on groom’s sister Tamara and that is what you can see on one of the pictures below :D We went in, they got married and then we took some photos in Ljubljana city center. I absolutely looooove these pictures and I think they turned out so great, because everyone was so relaxed and happy.

I hope you like it, I know I do!






MLADOPOROČENCA: Zala&Pero, FOTO: Tamara Vidmar, MUA: KE Makeup, BOUQUET: Cvetličarna Eli

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