


Zadnji teden novembra, lučke so že prižgane, jaz pa nas vračam nazaj v poletje, ko sem se dobila z Niko in Maticem in smo posneli tele fotke. Nika je super plesalka, ki se s fantom seli v Los Angeles, kjer bo živela svoje sanje in plesala, plesala, plesala. Če že dlje časa spremljate moj blog veste, da sem ličila že kar nekaj plesalk in da je cilj vseh imeti dobre fotografije za avdicije in agencije :D Tokrat je slike posnel in obdelal Matic Kos in verjamem, da se vsi strinjamo, da so čudovite? Pa Nika?! Izjemno lepa :D

Upam, da vam je všeč ta skok nazaj v poletje, kmalu pa se že vračam z bolj zimskimi vsebinami.
Od 1.12. do 24.12. me lahko vsak dan spremljate na Facebooku in Instagramu (story), ko bom vsak dan sproti objavljala KE Makeup adventni koledar 2016.


It’s the last week of November, Christmas lights are up and I’m throwing us back to the summer, when I met up with Nika and Matic to have a photoshoot. Nika is a great dancer, who is moving to Los Angeles with her boyfriend to follow her dreams and dance, dance, dance. If you follow my blog for a longer period of time, you’ll know I did makeup for quite a lot of dancers and the common goal of each one of them is to have good photos, which you need for auditions and to send to the agencies. This time the photographer was Matic Kos and don’t we all agree the photos are amazing? And how beautiful is Nika?!! :D

Hope you liked this summer throwback and I’ll be back very soon with more winter content.
Everyday from 1.12. to 24.12. you can follow me on my Facebook page and Instagram (story) where I’ll be posting KE Makeup Advent Calendar 2016.









MODEL: Nika B., PHOTO: Matic Kos, MUA&HAIR: KE Makeup

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