Photo: Nika Zupančič


Heeej :D Tukaj je povzetek vseh Facebook objav iz meseca decembra, ko se je odvijal moj KE Makeup adventni koledar. Ponovno sem se odločila, da zberem vseh 24 dni v en blog post, ki vam lahko služi, kot pomoč pri izboru daril vse leto ali pa kot nek “nakupovalni vodič”, ko ste v trgovini z ličili in ne veste kam bi se sploh obrnile :)

Heeey :D Here is a collection of all Facebook posts from December when I was doing my KE Makeup advent calendar. Again this year, I decided to collect all 24 days in one blog post. It can serve you as a gift guide all year around or as a “shopping guide” when you are at the makeup store and don’t know where to turn to :)


Pa začnimo tale december 2016 z mojo najljubšo maskaro, ki sem jo odkrila v letošnjem letu. Do takrat sem uporabljala Roller Lash maskaro od znamke Benefit, kar je bilo veliko lažje saj sem v 2015 živela tudi v tujini, kjer sem jo brez problema kupila. Ko mi je zadnje iz zaloge zmanjkalo pa je bila panika! Malo sem pobrskala po spletu in našla Maybelline – Lash Sensational maskaro, ki naj bi bila prejšnji podobna. In res ji je! Moja nova najljubša, bolj dostopna in cenovno ugodnejša! :D

Let’s start this December 2016 with my favourite mascara that I discovered in the past year. Until then I used Roller Lash mascara from Benefit and it was easier since I lived abroad in 2015 and could buy it in the store ( we don’t hold Benefit in Slovenia). When I ran out of the last one I panicked! I went online and found Maybelline – Lash Sensational mascara, which was supposed to be quite similar. Which it is! My new favourite, more accessible and more affordable! :D



Drugi dan decembra je tu in zaupala vam bom svoj nov najljubši bronzer. Kupila sem ga letos poleti na Hrvaškem in uspešno mi je služil celo poletje pa še po njem, ko sem se še nekaj časa pretvarjala, da sem tako zagorela kot prej :D Bronzer je od znamke Physicians Formula- Bronze Booster Glow tole spodaj je pa slikica, ko je bil še čisto nov. Upam, da vas malo pogreje :D

It’s second day in December and today I am going to share with you my new favourite bronzer. I bought it in summer in Croatia and it was perfect for the summer and also after it, when I wanted to pretend my tan is still there. It’s Physicians Formula bronzer- Bronze Booster Glow and this right here is a photo of it when it was brand new. I hope it warms you up a bit :D



Tole je pa moja absolutno najljubša enojna senčka letos! Čeprav je zelo posebna, sem jo velikokrat nosila tudi čez dan in sploh dobila veliko, veliko pohval in vprašanj kaj to je. Poznate tiste slavne Naked paletke? No, tudi ta senčka je od Urban Decay in sicer v barvi Solstice. Če vas bolj podrobno zanima kako izgleda na koži skocite še na moj Instagram story, kjer bom še danes objavila video ali sliko.

This is my absolute favourite single eyeshadow this year! Even though it is very special, there were a lot of times I wore it during the day and got so many compliments and questions about it. Have you heard about the famous Naked palettes? Well, this too is from Urban Decay and it is in the colour Solstice. If you are interested to see how it looks on the skin, go to my Instagram story where I will post a photo or video.



Če ste že lani spremljali moj adventni koledar veste, da sem največja oboževalka nanosa tekoče podlage in korektorja z gobico. Letos je Real Techniques (tudi druge znamke, a meni je ta najljubša) dal v prodajo novo, manjšo gobico namenjeno predvsem za nanos korektorja. Ker je majhna je še toliko lažje dostopati do kakšnih vdrtih predelov in gubic okoli oči. Kot že večjo sestrico, zdaj obožujem tudi tole novo gobico zase in za svoje stranke :D

If you followed my Advent Calendar last year, you already know I am the biggest fan of applying foundation and concealer with makeup sponge. This year Real Techniques (and a lot of other brands, but I love this one the most) came out with a new, smaller sponge intended to use for your concealer. Because it is so small it is easier to access small parts your eye area. The same way I love its bigger sister, now I love this one as well for myself and for my clients :D



Najvejčji BUM v makeup svetu so v zadnjih letih ustvarile tekoče šminke. Skoraj vsaka znamka že ima svojo linijo. Kar sem jih sprobala sama se razlikujejo predvsem po obstojnosti. Največji trik je narediti šminko, ki bo obstojna in hkrati ne izsušila ustnic. Ne vem ali so to moje ustnice ampak meni jih izsuši čisto vsaka :D   Kar naredim je, da jo nosim en dan, potem pa 2 dni za tem kremno, hidradantno šminko itd. No moja najljubša je Kat Von D – Lolita.

The biggest BOOM in makeup in the last few years are liquid lipsticks. Almost every brand has their own line of liquid lipsticks. The thing that differentiates them is mostly how well it lasts on the lips. The biggest trick is to make a long-lasting lipstick that does not dry out your lips. I don’t know if it is only my lips but every liquid lipstick dries them out :D What I do is I would wear liquid lipstick one day and the next two days I would wear really creamy, hydrating lipsticks. My favourite is Kat Von D – Lolita.



Danes vam zaupam pa moj najljubši puder v kamnu. Letos je to sigurno L’Oreal  True Match. Priznam, da sem ga uporabljala že v srednji šoli in da ni bilo novo odkritje v 2016, sem se pa letos vrnila k njemu in je res eden najboljših kar sem jih sprobala. Edino kar je, je da na žalost v Sloveniji izbira barv ni prav velika in to me izredno moti. Zdaj na novo pa sprobavam tudi MAC- Studio Fix in vam čez nekaj časa povem, kako mi je všeč ta.

Today I am revealing my favourite powder. This year this has to be L’Oreal True Match. I admit I was using it in high school already and it was not a new discovery in 2016 but I did go back to it this year and I can tell you for sure it is one of the best ones. The only thing that bothers me is that in Slovenia the colour selection is really poor. I am currently trying out Mac- Studio Fix and I will let you know in a while how I liked that one.



Ker sem trenutno na dopustu v Dubaju, se danes vračamo nazaj v poletje in sicer z mojo najljubšo poletno šminko. Kot vidite je živo rdeča in je zato morda primerna tudi za božično novoletne praznike? Šminka se imenuje Lady Danger in je od znamke MAC. Večina vas jo verjetno že pozna, a se je v Sloveniji žal ne dobi. Če greste slučajno na izlet v Trst je tam najbližja trgovina, pa tudi v Grazu ali Zagrebu jo najdete.

As I am currently on vacation in Dubai I am taking you back to the summer with my favourite summer lipstick. Like you can see in the picture, the lipstick is bright red colour so maybe it is even suitable for the Christmas season? It is called Lady Danger and it is from a brand named MAC. Most of you probably already know the brand but unfortunately you cannot get it in Slovenia. If you are going on a trip to Trieste there is the closest store, otherwise they also sell it in Graz or Zagreb.



Je res danes že 8. december? Že imate nakupljena vsa božična darila? Danes z vami delim mojo najljubšo ugodnejšo paletko s senčkami, ki sem jo odkrila v 2016. To je H&M CHAMELEON EYE COLOUR PALETTE :D Vsebuje 20 mešanih mat in svetlečih senčil vseh barv, ki jih dejansko potrebujete. Nisem prepričana, če je to limited edicija tako, da če jo želite zase ali za darilo pohitite :) Razen zlate in srebrne skrajno levo so vse senčke zelo pigmentirane in se lepo zabrisujejo. Cena je v Sloveniji okrog 20€.

Danes ob 8ih zvečer pa pokukajte še na moj blog na in poglejte kako sem paletko uporabila v praksi :)

Is it really the 8th of December already? Have you done all the Christmas gifts shopping yet? Today I am sharing with you my favourite affordable eyeshadow palette, that I discovered in 2016. It is H&M CHAMELEON EYE COLOUR PALETTE :D It contains 20 mixed matte and shimmer eyeshadows with all the colours you ever need. I am not sure if it is limited edition so hurry up if you want it for yourself or as a gift for someone else :) Except for gold and silver in the left corner, all of the eyeshadows are very nicely pigmented and blendable. In Slovenia the price is around 20€.

Today at 8 pm there will be a new post on my blog on on how I actually used the palette on the eyes. Check it out! :)  



Ste že pogledali moj nov blog post ? :D Danes nadaljujemo s produktom, ki je tudi uporabljen na Nini iz včerajšnjega posta. To je rdečilo Max Factor Crème Puff Blush-05 Lovely Pink. Zaradi  imena bi lahko mislili, da je rdečilo kremno, a ni, je v kamnu. Pigmentacija ni velika, kar je velikim tudi všeč, saj moramo biti pri rdečilu ponavadi previdne, ker ga je hitro preveč. Ima zelo lep končni sijaj, ki vrne koži dimenzijo, ki ji jo z nanosom podlage vzamemo.

Have you seen my latest blog post ? :D Today we continue with the product also used on Nina from yesterday’s post. It is Max Factor Crème Puff Blush- 05 Lovely Pink. Because of the name you could think this product is crème but no, it’s powder. It is not very pigmented, which most of people really like, because when using blush we have to be very carefull. It’s quickly too much. It has really nice glowy finish that gives the skin back the dimension, taken away with putting on the foundation.



Zelo veliko žensk poznam, ki izdelka o katerem bom govorila danes, ne uporabljajo. To je črtalo za ustnice. Če ste med njimi tudi ve, prosim poskusite in opazile boste razliko. Črtalo je sploh priporočljivo za mogoče malo starejše, ki imajo že kakšno gubico okoli ustnic ali pa za katero, ki se ji šminka rada “razlije”… pa za seveda slavni “Kylie” look :D Pomaga pa tudi pri samem nanosu šminke, saj si že s črtalom začrtate mejo, ki jo potem samo zapolnete. Moje najljubše črtalo je Sephora Lip Liner To Go v barvi 16 Nude Beige. Barva je popolna za vsako nude šminkico pa tudi za kakšno malo temnejšo ali bolj živo pride v poštev. Edina negativna lastnost je, da je črtalo krajše kot ponavadi, zato sem ravno kupila že tretjega letos :D Je pa zato popolne velikosti za v torbico :) No, očitno ni niti ene slabe stvari.

I know a lot of women who don’t use the product I am going to talk about today. It’s a lip pencil/liner. If you are one of them please try using it and you will notice the difference. Lip liners are especially recommended for older women that may already have some fine lines around the lips or for some of you that find your lipstick is smudging… or of course for the famous “Kylie” look :D It also helps with the lipstick application because with liner you already create the outline and then you just fill it in. My favourite lip liner is Sephora Lip Liner To Go in the colour 16 Nude Beige. This colour is perfect for every nude shade and also for the dark or even some bright colours. The only negative feature I find is that the liner is shorter than normal so I just had to buy the 3rd one this year :D But on the other hand this is perfect for carrying in your bag :) Well, I guess there is nothing that’s bad about it.



Wuhuu za današnji izdelek sem pa tako navdušena saj je zelo ugoden in si ga čisto vsaka lahko privošči. To je moje najljubše kremno senčilo preteklega leta Essence 2in1 eyeshadow&liner- 02 Peach perfect :D Mislim, da sem to uporabljala vsakodnevno celo zimo 2016. Barva je ravno prav svetla, da osvetli in odpre oči, pa tako zelo enostavno je. Jaz sem uporabljala tako, da sem samo potegnila od kotička očesa pa do sredine veke in razmazala s prstom :D Še maskara pa sem bila ready :)

Wohoo for today’s product I am so excited because it is so affordable anyone can afford it. It is my favourite cream eyeshadow of this past year Essence 2in1 eyeshadow&liner- 02 Peach perfect :D I think I used it every day whole winter 2016. The colour is light enough to highlight and open the eyes and it is so simple to use as well. I just put it on from the corners of my eyes to a middle of my eyelid and smudged it with my finger :D And then mascara and I was ready :)



Ker smo danes 12.12. in smo na polovici KE Makeup adventnega koledarja sem se odločila, da pripravim nekaj posebnega. PODARJAM SILVESTERSKO LIČENJE! Torej 31.12. ob 17ih, edini pogoj je Ljubljana. Pridem na dom! :D Kako se prijaviš? Lajkaš tole objavo in v komentar označiš prijatelja ali prijateljico s katerim boš nazdravila v leto 2017! Zmagovalka bo izžrebana in razglašena v petek 16.12. :D Srečno!

Če pa bi si terminček zagotovile, pa se vedno lahko naročite :) Samo pohitite!

It’s 12.12. today and we’re half way through KE Makeup Advent Calendar so I felt like doing something special. I am giving away full New Year’s Eve makeup! So it’s on 31.12. at 5pm, the only condition is Ljubljana. :D How do you apply? You like this post and tag a friend in the comments who you’re going to spent NYE with! The winner will be selected and announced on Friday 16.12. :D Good luck!

If you want your makeup to look good for sure, you can always book me :D Just hurry up!


V splošnem nisem ljubiteljica lipglossov ampak lansko zimo sem našla enega, ki se mu ne morem upreti. To je H&M Lush Lip Vinyl- Chic Choc. Ni povsem navaden lipgloss saj je veliko bolj pigmentiran kot smo navajeni. Tisto, kar mene osebno pri lipglossih najbolj moti je, da ko stopim čez vrata in zapiha prvi veter, imam že vse lase prilepljene na usta. Je še kdo tak? No, ker pa je tale lipgloss toliko bolj prekriven in ga uporabim manj in lažje razporedim po ustnicah, pa potem niti ni tako lepljiv. Pa barva je čudovita, kajne? :D Uporabila sem ga tudi v na Zali februarja, kar lahko vidite v tem postu -> :)

In general I’m not a big lipgloss fan but last year I found one and I couldn’t resist it. It is H&M Lush Lip Vinyl- Chic Choc. It is much more pigmented than normal. What irritates me about lipglosses the most is that first second I walk out the door I already have all of my hair stuck to my lips. Does that happen to anyone else? Because this lipgloss has more pigment in, I use less and it is easier to spread on my lips and then it’s not that sticky. And the colour is amazing, isn’t it? :D I used it on Zala in this post from February -> :)



14. dan in dan za moj najljubši korektor leta. To je definitivno Bourjois RADIANCE REVEAL Concealer. Vaše podočnjake skrije, saj je zelo prekriven, hkrati pa osvetli cel predel okoli oči, kar je zelo pomembno, če želite izgledati sveže in zbujeno. Vem, da veliko žensk ne uporablja korektorja pod očmi in mislim, da je to ena večjih napak, ki jih delajo. Če bi meni dali na izbiro tekoči puder ali korektor, bi brez premisleka izbrala korektor, ker je razlika po nanosu veliko večja. Velikokrat sem tudi naletela na stranke, ki same zase mislijo, ah pa saj jaz nimam podočnjakov – no imaš :D Če ne drugega zaradi strukture našega obraza tja pade senca od te vdolbine pri kotičku očesa in korektor res pomaga :)

Day 14 and time for my favourite concealer of the year. It is definitely Bourjois RADIENCE REVEAL Concealer. It covers your under eye circles, because it is high coverage and at the same time illuminates whole eye area which makes you look fresh and awake. I know a lot of women who don’t use an under eye concealer and I think this is the biggest mistake. If you would give me an option to take a foundation or a concealer, I would no doubt pick a concealer, because the difference it’s much bigger. There has been so many times that my clients told me they don’t need concealer because they don’t have under eye circles – well, they do :D It is in our face structure that the shadow from the corners of the eyes falls on our under eyes and darkens that area and that’s where concealer really helps :)



Tiste, ki spremljate moj blog vam bo tale objava malo znana. Danes vam povem o svoji najljubši jesenski šminki. Mislim, da je letos kar zmagala Misslyn- 221- Terracotta. Končno sem našla barvo, ki sem jo iskala več kot 2 leti. Ta popolna oker barva, popolna za jesen. Kako izgleda na ustnicah lahko pogledate tukaj -> :D

The ones that follow my blog, you will find this post familiar. Today I will tell you about my favourite autumn lipstick. I think this year the winner was Misslyn- 221- Terracotta. I finally found the colour I have been searching for more than 2 years. It is this amazing ocher colour, perfect for autumn. How it looks on the lips, you can see in this post -> :D



Nisem si mislila, da bo kdaj prišel dan, ko vam bom zaupala nov najljubši izdelek za obrvi :D Za tiste, ki ne veste, je bil do 2016 to Anastasia Beverly Hills- Brow Wiz :) . Zdaj pa je, še vedno od iste znamke ampak Brow Definer. Tudi tega ni potrebno šiliti, le konica je malo drugače oblikovana (širša, kar delo le še olajša). Pa še ena zanimivost: Brow Definer= 0,2g = 20,6€, Brow Wiz= 0,085g = 20€ :D Glede na to, da se ga v Sloveniji težko dobi, mi to, da ga imam za dlje časa, zelo veliko pomeni :D

I never thought this day would come, when I am going to tell you about my new favourite eyebrow product :D For those that don’t know, until 2016 that was Anastasia Beverly Hills- Brow Wiz :) Now, still from the same brand, that is Brow Definer. It has that same retractable end, but it is shaped differently (it’s wider which only makes it easier). And one more thing: Brow Definer= 0,2g = 20,6€, Brow Wiz= 0,085g = 20€ :D Because it is hard to get the brand in Slovenia, it means a lot that it lasts longer :D



17. dan in dan za nov najljubši izdelek. V teoriji gre za senčilo, ampak jaz ga uvrščam med večnamenske izdelke. Gre za KIKO – Water Eyeshadow -  208 Light Gold. Zakaj se imenuje Water Eyeshadow? Ker se ga lahko uporblja mokrega ali suhega. Če ga uporabljamo mokrega je pigmentacija še toliko večja, jaz pa ga mokrega uporabljam tudi kot zlat eyeliner. Ne uporabljam pa ga samo na očeh. Predvsem poleti, ko smo zagoreli, je to najboljši highlighter eveer :D

Day 17 and day for another favourite. In theory this is called an eyeshadow but I call it multiuse product. I am talking about KIKO – Water Eyeshadow -  208 Light Gold. Why is it called Water Eyeshadow? Because you can either use it wet or dry. If we use it wet, the pigmentation is even bigger and I use it wet as an eyeliner as well. But I don’t only use it on the eyes. Especially in summer when we are tanned it is my favourite highlighter eveer :D

Water Eyeshadow - 216


Čas za zgodbo: V petek zvečer se, preden se odpravim v mesto na kuhančka, ličim. Uporabim samo nujne stvari, da ne zgledam bolna :) Senčim svoj obraz, s svojim najljubšim pudrom za senčenje, ko mi ta pade na tla. Se ne razbije… Ga poberem in si mislim, da toliko kolikokrat mi je pa ta že padel na tla in se ne razbil je pa neverjetno. Mogoče bi mogla to celo napisat v post, ko pride na vrsto 18.12. in je ta izdelek na sporedu. Seveda se, ker življenje ne deluje nič drugače kot tako, čez 5 sekund situacija ponovi… in SE RAZBIJE :D Še dobro, da grem že jutri v tujino, kjer lahko dobim svoj Sephora- Los Cabos bronzer :) Če želite nekaj ne premočnega za senčenje obraza, je ta izdelek popoln, saj ima ravno prav sivkastih odtenekov, da še ne izgleda preveč umetno.

Story time: It’s Friday night and I am doing my makeup before I head to the city for a cup of mulled wine. I only use the necessary things so that I don’t look sick. :) I am doing a bit of contouring, with my favourite contouring powder when I drop it on the floor. It doesn’t break… I pick it up and I think to myself it is unbelievable how many times I have dropped this same powder and it never broke. I thought when it’s 18.12. and it is time to put it in an Advent calendar I should write this in my post. And of course because this is how life works, the same thing repeats 5 seconds later and… IT BREAKS :D It’s good I am out of Slovenia tomorrow and I can buy a new Sephora- Los Cabos bronzer :) If you want something not too strong to contour with, this product is perfect. It has just the right amount of grey in it that it still doesn’t look too fake.



Kot ste lahko videle že na Instagram storyu je danes čas za mojo najljubšo pomladno šminko. To je Revlon Matte Balm v barvi Sultry :D Je spet bolj nevtralna barva, a pomladni primerno malo rozkasta. Ima mat finish in je zelo prijetna na ustnicah, saj je malce pekoča po mentolu.

Like you saw on my Instagram story, it’s time for my favourite spring lipstick. This is Revlon Matte Balm in the colour Sultry :D Again it’s a nude colour but with a hint of pink like spring is. The finish is matte and it’s almost a little minty which leaves very nice feeling on the lips.



Ker je 20 tako lepa okrogla številka in ker smo v času obdarovanj, bo danes spet nekaj posebnega. V zahvalo za podporo bom nekaj podarila in eni od vas upam da, polepšala božič. Je sicer malenkost ampak v 2016 kar popularna malenkost :D To je šminka Velvet Teddy od znamke MAC. Rada podarim nekaj, kar je za Slovenke težje dostopno, sploh, če je več kot pol leta povsod razprodano. Kako sodeluješ? En lajk na KE Makeup Page, en lajk na to objavo in v komentarju napiši kateri izdelek predstavljen v KE Makeup adventnem koledarju 2016 do sedaj, ti je najbolj všeč :D Srečnica bo izžrebana in objavljena 25.12. :) Srečnooo! :D


Vedno pravim, da je ena najpomembnejših stvari, kako makeup izgleda lep, tisto kar je spodaj -  koža. Moje prijateljice vedo, ker se stalno tudi zafrkavajo iz mene, ker jim težim, kako pomembno je, da si vsak dan odstraniš ličila in narediš neko »basic« nego obraza. Tudi, če samo še umiješ, naneseš tonik in kremo. Velikokrat naletim na ženske, ki niso zadovoljne s svojo kožo, pa za to nič ne naredijo. Če veš, da se ne potrudiš, ne jamraj ! :D Uf, sem se kar malo razjezila haha. No, danes pa vam povem za izdelek, ki sploh v tem zimskem času, še kako prav pride. To je Clarins Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil in je za nego ustnic. Tudi sama se zelo borim s izsušenimi ustnicami in to je eden najboljših izdelkov, kar sem jih kdaj poskusila :D

I am always saying that one of the most important things in how your makeup looks is what it’s underneath – the skin. My friends know and they constantly make fun of me because I am almost annoying always telling them to take their makeup off at the end of the day and do a »basic« skin care routine. Even if you just wash your face, put on a toner and a cream. A lot of times I meet women that are complaining about their skin but they do nothing about it. If you don’t do anything, don’t complain! :D Well, today I will tell you about a product that is especially useful in these cold months. It is Clarins Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil and it’s for your lips. I am struggling with dry lips myself and that is one of the best products I have ever tried :D



Okej, priznam! Nisem prvič poskusila tega izdelka v 2016, sem se pa ponovno zaljubila vanj. A to šteje? Haha… Torej moj najljubši eyeliner iz 2016 je L’Oreal Super Liner. Še vedno uporabljam tudi Artdecojevega, ki sem ga omenila lansko leto. Tega predvsem uporabljam na strankah, ker je vodoodporen in zelo precizen. No, ko pa sem bila en dan v trgovini, sem zagledala tega L’Orealovega, ki sem ga uporabljala začetek srednje šole. Mislim, da je bil celo prvi eyeliner, ki sem si ga kdaj kupila. Pa sem rekla, da probam še enkrat in še vednooo je dober! :D

Okay, I confess. I did not try this product for the first time in 2016, but I did rediscover it. Does that count? Haha… So, my favourite eyeliner of 2016 is L’Oreal Super Liner. I still use Artdeco one that I mentioned last year but I mostly use it on my clients because it is waterproof and very precise. And then one day I was at the shop and I looked at this L’Oreal one that I was using at the beginning of high school. I think it was the first eyeliner I ever bought. I had to try it once more and it’s still soooo good! :D



Smo res že 23.? Samo še 1 daaaan :O Ampak nič zato, danes z vami delim svojo najljubšo zimsko šminko! In ne, NI rdeča :D Nude je, popolna nude :) To jeeee Faux od MAC-a. Nosim jo dejansko že od konca novembra, skoraj vsak dan. Včeraj pa sem odkrila še kombinacijo z novim lipglossom, popolno za praznične dni! To  vam zaupam in pokažem na Instagram story, zato hitro pokukat še tja! :D

Is it really the 23rd already? Only one more daaay :O Today I’ll be sharing with you my favourite winter lipstick! And no, it’s NOT red :D It’s nude, perfect nude :) Faux lipstick from MAC and I have been wearing it from the end of November already. Yesterday I discovered a combination with my new lipgloss and it’s perfect for the holidays! I will show it on my Instagram story so go check that out as well! :D



O, neeee! Zadnji dan letošnjega adventnega koledarjaaaa! :D Pustimo najboljše za konec, kajne? To je moja naaajljubša paletka in sicer Anastasia Beverly Hills- Modern Renaissance. Tako pigmentiranih senčk še nisem videla, res se samo dotakneš in je dovolj. V prihajajočem tednu pa sledi še blog post, kjer boste videle en način, kako jo uporabiti!

Zdaj pa bi vam rada zaželela še najlepši božič, če ga praznujete, če ne pa samo en super dan :D Ne pozabite, da 25.12. izžrebam še zmagovalko!!! :)

Oh, noooo! It’s the last day of Advent calendaaaar! :D Save the best for the last, right? It’s my favourite eyeshadow palette and it’s Anastasia Beverly Hills- Modern Renaissance. I have never seen something so pigmented in my life. Only a touch is enough. In the upcoming week there will be a blog post up on how I use it!

And now I want to wish everyone merry Christmas if you celebrate it and if not just have an awesome day! And don’t forget 25.12. I select a winner of giveawaaay!!! :)  


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