

Hej Heeey :D

Za današnjo objavo smo s puncama iz bloga KA – Dance to the world za vas pripravile postopek ličenja za odrski makeup in nekaj koristnih nasvetov. Anisa in Kaja sta se nedavno preselili v Lisbono, kjer urisničujeta svoje plesne sanje. Morda se ju spomnite iz novembrske blog objave – tukaj.

Tokrat smo združile moči in pripravile močen odrski makeup, ki pride prav bolj urbanim plesalcem. Kaja je sedla na moj stolček, Veronika je s fotografijami odlično dokumentirala proces, Anisa pa tokrat za kamero vse posnela. Video si lahko v sredo ogledate na blogu KA – Dance to the world!

Pa začnimo …

For today’s post me and the girls from the blog KA – Dance to the world created stage makeup tutorial and some useful tips. Not so long ago Anisa and Kaja moved to Lisbon to live their dance dreams. Maybe you remember them from November’s post – here.

This time we got together for a strong stage makeup, more useful for urban dancers than others. Kaja sat in my chair, Veronika documented the process with photographs and Anisa filmed all of it. On Wednesday you can go and watch the video on their blog KA – Dance to the world!

Let’s begin …



Za začetek si popolnoma očistite kožo. Vem, da se nekateri ne bodo strinjali z naslednjim nasvetom – ne namažite se s kremo. Poznate občutek, ko se namažete s kremo, nato pa se spotite? Ne preveč prijetno, kajne? Če kaj, svetujem, da uporabite primer. Zapomnite si, da to ni vsakdanji makeup!

Start with cleaning the skin completely. I know some won’t agree with my next tip – don’t use any cream. You know that feeling, when you have cream on your face and then you sweat? Not nice, huh? If anything, I recommend using a primer. Remember, this is not an everyday makeup!



Začnite s prekrivno tekočo podlago. Razmažite jo po celotnem obrazu in vratu. Naneste jo lahko tudi na ušesa, ker ta kar hitro postanejo rdeča :D

Start with high coverage foundation. Apply it all over your face and neck. You can also apply it to your ears, because they get red fairly quickly :D



Zelo pomemben korak je, da pod očmi nanesemo korektor. 1-2 odtenka svetlejši od tekoče podlage odpre oči in doda dimenzijo obrazu. Nanesite ga tudi na ostale problematične predele.

Very important step is a under eye concealer. 1-2 shades lighter from the foundation opens your eyes and gives your face dimension. Apply it to other problematic areas as well.


ZELO pomembno je, da vse kar smo do sedaj naredili, fiksiramo s pudrom v kamnu. Nanesite ga na celotno površino obraza in ne pozabite pod očmi in na veke.

VERY important is to fix everything with a fixing powder. Apply it all over your face and don’t forget under the eyes and on your eyelids.




Vzemite bronzer ali puder za senčenje in močno zasenčite obraz. Pod lično kostjo, zgornji del čela in pod čeljustjo. Nato uporabite rdečilo in ga s krožnimi gibi nanesite na ličnice. Na koncu pa najboljši del – osvetljevanje. Nanesite osvetljevalec na najvišji del ličnic, na nosno kost in nad zgornjo ustnico. Lahko ga dodate tudi v kotičke očes.

Take your bronzer or contour powder and strongly contour your face. Under the cheek bone, top of your forehead and under your jawline. Then use blush and apply it to the apples of your cheeks. And at the end, the best part – highlighting. Put highlighter on the highest points of your cheeks, on your nose bone and above your upper lip. You can also add it to the inner corners of your eyes.



Ne pozabite dopolniti in poudariti obrvi. So okvir vašega obraza in naredijo ogromno razliko :D

Don’t forget to fill and emphasise your eyebrows. They are the frame of your face and make a huge difference :D



Pri ličenju oči lahko naredite karkoli želite. Jaz sem na Kaji ustvarila črn zadimljen videz. Moj nasvet je, da najprej začnete z rjavimi barvami in z njimi dosežete željeno obliko. Šele nato pomočite čopič v črno barvo in jo dodajate, malo in po malo. Zadimljen videz ustvarite tako, da je najtemnejši del tik ob trepalnicah, bolj ko greste proti obrvem, bolj se intenziteta manjša. Ne pozabite, da pod očesom naredite enako. Najprej zadimite z rjavo, nato tik ob trepalnicah dodate črno in zasenčite navzdol. Dodajte še maskaro, umetne trepalnice in KONEC z očmi :D

For eyes you can do whatever. I created a black smokey eye on Kaja. My tip is to start with brown colours and do the shape with them. Then lightly dip a brush in black and add it, little by little. Smokey eye means that the darkest part is closest to your eyelashes. The more you move up to the brows, the less intense it is. Don’t forget to do the same under the eyes. First smoke it out with brown and then blend it down with a black. Add mascara, false eyelashes and you’re DONE with the eyes.


Zadnji korak so ustnice. Uporabite črtalo in mat šminko za daljšo obstojnost. Verjetno si ne želite popraviti šminke vsakokrat, ko med pavzo spijete malo vode :D

Last step are the lips. Use a liner and matte lipstick to make it last longer. Probably you don’t want to reapply lipstick every time you take a water break :D


Odrski makeup je močnejši od dnevnega. Uporabila sem močne barve, prav zato, da vam pokažem, kako pomembno je, da se poudari prav vsaka od teh stvari. Pomembno je, da gledalci vidijo plesalkin izraz na obrazu. Za odrski makeup ne rabite biti lepe od blizu, ampak čudovite tudi iz zanje vrste :)

Stage makeup is stronger than everyday makeup. I used strong colours, to show you, how important it is, to do each of these steps. It’s important that audience sees the dancer’s expressions on her face. For a stage makeup you don’t need to look pretty close up, but wonderful even from the last row :)


MODEL: Kaja (KA – Dance to the world), PHOTO: Veronika Mikolič, Video: Anisa (KA – Dance to the world), MUA: KE Makeup

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