


Z vami bi rada delila še en super projektič, na katerem sem imela možnost sodelovati. Tjaša Žibert in Miha Vodičar sta izjemna plesalca, ki sta že nekaj časa želela skupaj ustvariti svoj plesni video (oglejte si ga spodaj!).

Tjaša (prej na blogu tukaj, tukaj in tukaj :D ) je prosila, če ju naličim in seveda take priložnosti nikoli ne izpustim :) Čeprav je bil moj wake-up call praktično sredi noči haha. Ker vem koliko talenta in ljubezni do plesa imata oba, sem vedela, da bo končni izdelek nekaj, na kar bom ponosna. In res sem! :) Za kamero je stal talentirani Nikola Janušić, moja naloga pa je bila, da ju pripravim za pred njo.

I would like to share another great project, which I had the opportunity to work on, with you. Tjaša Žibert and Miha Vodičar are amazing dancers, that wanted to collaborate on a dance video for a while now (watch it below!).

Tjaša (before on the blog here, here and here :D ) asked me to do their makeup and of course I won’t say no to opportunity like that :) Even though my wake-up call was practically in the middle of the night haha. Knowing how much talent and love for dance they have, I was certain I will be proud at the end. And I am! :D Standing behind the camera was talented Nikola Janušić and my job was to prep them for in front of it.







DANCERS: Tjaša Žibert & Miha Vodičar, CAMERA & EDIT: Nikola Janušić, MUA: KE Makeup

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